Leading cosmetic dermatologist and laser surgeon Dr Asif Hussein performs a range of safe and effective laser resurfacing skin treatments, using advanced, specialist procedures to achieve outstanding permanent results.
Laser Resurfacing Treatments
Fully ablative CO2 (Lumenis Ultrapulse) and fully ablative Erbium YAG laser resurfacing (Sciton Contour TRL) to completely renew facial skin, remove wrinkles, tighten and improve elasticity.
Fraxel non-ablative skin rejuvenation to treat superficial sun damage, age spots and acne scars.
CO2 laser eyelid tightening as a non-surgical alternative to improve laxity and wrinkles in the eye area (the only truly effective treatment for undereye wrinkles).
Sciton HALO is a type of treatment allows for a great improvement in skin tone, surface texture, redness and pigmentation.
Sciton HALO and Micropeel for lower downtime improvements of skin texture, pigmentation, sun damage and fine lines.
Sciton HALO/BBL (Forever Young TM) for the treatment and maintenance of pigmentation, pores, redness and smooth skin.
Why Choose Dr H Consult?
Choosing the right specialist for your consultation and laser skin treatment is key to getting the best possible results. Also essential for your own peace of mind, Dr Hussein is a renowned international expert in cosmetic dermatology and cutaneous laser surgery. He has a wealth of specialist experience and a caseload of more than 4000 treatments per year. His deep clinical knowledge and experience combined with state-of-the-art technologies make him one of the most respected leaders in his field. He is an expert in Laser and Light-Tissue interaction and lectures internationally on the subject. As a result, he uses only high-grade surgical lasers in his practice as opposed to low powered aesthetic devices. The results he achieves are only possible through a combination of class-leading lasers and a highly developed skillset. This is why DrHConsult is the UK leader in cutaneous laser surgery, laser rejuvenation, acne scarring and scar management.
What guidelines should I follow before and after treatment?
Before your laser skin treatment, we would ask you to remove all make-up and skin lotions from the face, and avoid tanning or excessive sun exposure for 4 weeks beforehand. Aftercare instructions are specific to each type of treatment and will be made clear to you by Dr Hussein. The aftercare instructions should be strictly followed and strenuous activities should be avoided for at least one week. Sun exposure should be avoided for 4 weeks after most laser treatments and 6-8 weeks after fully ablative resurfacing. Sunscreen can cause irritation so Dr Hussein will advise at what stage this can be started after treatment.
What is fully ablative laser resurfacing?
This is a type of treatment in which Dr Hussein specialises and can only be performed by the most experienced laser surgeons with the right type of equipment. Indeed, there are only a handful of laser surgeons worldwide that are capable of performing it effectively. Fully ablative treats a range of issues such as wrinkles, laxity, acne scars, pigmentation, sun damage and pre-cancerous lesions. It reduces your risk of developing facial skin cancers in the future by removing damaged pre-cancerous cell groups such as actinic keratoses (which can later develop into basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers). It is the most powerful skin treatment and the gold standard for acne scarring and skin rejuvenation. Just take a look at the gallery results for fully ablative CO2 and Erbium YAG laser. Effectively as a treatment it is a controlled second degree burn and therefore the operation and would management can only be performed by an experienced laser surgeon. In the UK it is only Dr Hussein that is capable of achieving results like this. It has taken years and many hundreds of cases to arrive at this level. The results achieved after this type of laser resurfacing for acne scars or rejuvenation are permanent.